Well, today actually marks Ryo's 12th week, but I'm calling this post 11 weeks, since I want to post how this past week has been. Ryo is more talkative and responsive. It's like we have conversations!
Another full work week. I decided to try to work from home on Wednesday since it breaks up the week a bit (last week, it was hard going in to work everyday until Friday). I still miss Ryo all the time, especially when I pump during work in my office. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to pump on a regular schedule. My goal is to pump at least 2x a day, but this past week there were 2 days I only pumped once. Ugh! I feel so guilty about not being able to produce enough milk that would last Ryo the entire day without me. I've had to supplement my milk from the start, but now that I am back to work, nursing is more like supplementing.
How do other working mothers do it all? I guess they just don't...things just gotta give. For me, Ryo is central once I step foot in the door coming home from work. A typical day goes like this:
6:30 am Ryo wakes up and I nurse him for as long as he wants, then play with him.
7:00 am wake up Aaron to play with Ryo (this is Ryo's most happy and alert time of the day) while I get ready for work in 15 minutes flat.
7:15 am this is when I should leave for work, but Ryo's cooing leads me right back in bed beside him.
7:25 am leave for work and race down the freeway(s) to get to work by 8:00. Oh those days of me working early in the morning are gone!
5:00 pm leave work (okay, not exactly at 5:00, but it is no longer 6:00) and race home
6:00 pm come home, wash hands and quickly change clothes, then take Ryo in my arms and nurse him, then play, sing/read one of his books 3 times to him.
7:00 pm give Ryo a bath or a sponge bath and infant massage (not everyday)
7:30 pm put Ryo to sleep, mommy takes a quick shower
8:30 pm dinner for mommy and daddy (daddy gets take-out)
10:30 pm Ryo wakes up - change diaper, nurse/bottle feed, then put Ryo to sleep
11:30 pm mommy takes a "nap"
12:30-1:30 Ryo wakes up - change diaper, nurse/bottle feed, then put Ryo to sleep
3:30-4:30 Ryo wakes up - change diaper, nurse/bottle feed, then put Ryo to sleep
Sometimes I can wash a few dishes and pick up some burp cloths lying around, and read a how-to take care of a baby book, but that's it. To unwind, I watch a little TV with Aaron.
The weekends are much better because I can nurse more, take a walk with Ryo to the park, do some housework, and relax a little. This is the time also when Aaron can do some house projects. In fact, tis weekend he tiled the top of our fireplace and did some yard work.