Wednesday, September 29, 2010

37 Weeks 4 Days - Water Broke! water broke at 2:10 am today and labor should come in the next 10-12 hours! We've been having a heat wave hear in the Bay Area and I've been feeling very, very uncomfortable!

Last Tuesday, my mucous plug came out and I had the bloody show. At 3:00 am I had spotting and I called the on-call doctor. Since I was not having any contractions, he said to monitor for an hour and drink lots of water or juice. I did and since no contractions came, I went to sleep. When I woke up at 8:50 am, I went to the bathroom and filled the toilet with blood! So, I went to L&D triage around 10:30 am. Aaron dropped me off since he had Ryo and I didn't want him to just wait around in case I was not delivering. Long story short, babies were fine, just 1 cm dilated, apparently my capillaries burst in my cervix causing the bleeding.

On Thursday, I went to my regular doctor check-up and still was only 1 cm!

On Friday, I had NST (non stress test) testing and AFI (amniotic fluid index). Babies were fine, both vertex. Estimated weight was Boy: 6 lbs 9 oz and Girl: 6 lbs 11 oz! Huge!

Yesterday (Tuesday), I had the NST and AFI again and things looked good. But, my girl is transverse again. Hopefully as labor progresses, she gets back in vertex so I can deliver vaginally!

It's 3:43 am, I should rest, but I want to document how I am feeling! I feel good, relieved that labor will come, but a little worried that we are still living amongst boxes here. We are getting our roof re-tiled, have not put in carpet in the baby room, and still need to paint. Plus, it has been really hot the last few days (in the 90's!)...but I just checked the weather forecast and it should be cooling down....87 today, high 70's the rest of the week. Phew, considering we don't have air conditioning!

Well, it's hard to believe they will be here soon! I've been nesting over the last week, so it's time. Yesterday I even went to a twins and multiples support group: Twins By the Bay I am glad I went! very informative....I was able to ask lots of questions to others in the group (2 women who were preggo too, a coule who just had twins, and two other women whose twins are 4-5 years old).

I am getting tired I'll sign off! But here is a picture I just took of myself 1/2 hour ago!

BTW, I did wake Aaron to let him know my H2O broke, but then just told him to sleep since I wasn't having contractions. So far, I've only felt two. I took a shower, called the doctor on call (Dr. Gentry) and she said to wait until I get the contractions, or around noon to go into L&D.

Excited! But...need to get rest, because I won't have that luxury very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'll be praying for you three. You still look beautiful in the middle of the night and 37 weeks pregnant. I can't wait to see pictures of your little blessings.
