Friday, December 24, 2010

12 Week Old Twins and a 21 Month Old Toddler - Christmas Eve!

Happy Holidays Family, Friends and Colleagues!

What a wonderful year it has been! We have much to celebrate as 2010 comes to an end and we look forward to another year of blessings! 

Here are some of the year's highlights:

  • Lani quit her job on January 22 to spend more time with Ryo. She doesn't miss the stress and crazy travel schedule she had!
  • Soon after, Aaron and Lani received news that they were expecting.....TWINS!
  • Ryo celebrated his first b-day on March 1. We threw him a party with a camping theme (even pitched a tent in the back yard!) at our house in Victorville. Family and friends came to party and grub on camping food (hot dogs, hamburgers, and pancit (Filipino camping style!)
  • Took a vacation end of March in Kauai with Lolo, Lola and the Latrique family. Aaron surfed for the first time!
  • Took a trip to Seattle, WA in June (work/play) and visited with one of Lani's best buds from UCLA, Rachelle, her hubby Marlon and kidz Kai and Emi. They've got boy/girl twins too! Washington is Ryo's 5th state he has travelled to!
  • Lani was put on bedrest in July so travelling on an airplane was out of the question!
  • Aaron sold his big red truck and bought a minivan!
  • At the end of August, we packed up and moved back to the Bay Area.
  • Just in time...Rocco and Aida were born on September 29 - 3 weeks early....
and the rest of the year is just a blur of little sleep, constant feedings, keeping up with a rambunctious toddler, home improvement work, and doing laundry daily. Phew! 

Indeed, there has been great change to our lives as we are now a Party of Five! We are so happy to finally have our little family and are extremely thankful to family and friends for love and support along this journey.

Peace and Love to All!

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